
New employees (and more) at PIV

Once again, the Prüfinstitut Schlösser und Beschläge Velbert (PIV) welcomes two new employees. Hasan Özkan (34) took up his position as an inspector on 15 October 2024. The trained industrial mechanic worked for many years for a manufacturer of stamped and stamped-bent parts and round wire springs, the last four years as an industrial foreman.

The Velbert native is now responsible for all relevant activities in the laboratory in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-03. This includes planning, setting up and carrying out tests. The mechanical and mechatronic tests on locks and fittings as well as windows, façades and doors must be documented. Determining the suitability for use and ageing of construction products, components and accessories of construction products as well as burglary protection tests are also part of his area of responsibility.

"With Hasan Özkan, we have been able to expand our team in the testing laboratory with another outstanding colleague. He is currently being familiarised with the accredited test areas in accordance with the accreditation certificate D-PL11024-01-00. In future, he will also provide support for external tests at customers‘ premises", says Institute Director Andrea Horsthemke.

The Quality Association for Locks and Fittings, to which the PIV belongs, has made these new appointments in response to the continued high number of orders at the testing institute. It is therefore all the more pleasing that the entire team can welcome another new member who is an ‘old hand’. Jürgen Lienau (64) worked for a locking system manufacturer in Velbert for 37 years and recently retired. He currently supports the PIV in the QM area and conducts internal audits. From 2025, he will also work as an auditor for the PIV Prüfinstitut Schlösser und Beschläge Velbert certification body and carry out product audits.

Daniel Ruprecht-Kohn (48) has been an auditor at the PIV CERT certification body since the summer. PIV CERT is the product certification body of the PIV Prüfinstitut Schlösser und Beschläge Velbert and offers manufacturers not only certification of construction products (System 1) within the framework of Regulation No. 305/2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products (Construction Products Regulation), but also a suitable PIV CERT certification programme for all types of locks and fittings for non-regulated construction products. In his new position, Daniel Ruprecht-Kohn carries out initial and regular inspections at the customer's premises.


With Hasan Özkan, the PIV has gained another outstanding colleague.

photo credit: Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge


Jürgen Lienau carries out internal audits at PIV.

photo credit: Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge


Daniel Ruprecht-Kohn has been promoted to auditor of the PIV CERT certification body.

photo credit: Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge

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