
RAL monitoring successfully passed

The Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge e. V. recently received new confirmation from the German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification (RAL) that its product tests and processes comply with the strict RAL specifications. ‘By passing the RAL monitoring, we have once again received confirmation that we fulfil the quality requirements of our RAL guidelines properly and independently. We are very pleased about this,’ says Stephan Schmidt, Managing Director of the Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge.

As an organisation for the implementation and monitoring of quality assurance, the Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge is therefore still authorised to award the RAL quality mark - RAL-GZ 607 - to manufacturers of products and providers of services in the locks and fittings sector. The quality mark guarantees the consumer high-quality products and thus provides better orientation when selecting products.

Quality mark users voluntarily undergo the tests prescribed in the quality regulations and the monitoring for the RAL quality mark. Regular inspections are carried out by neutral, recognised test centres such as the Prüfinstitut Schlösser und Beschläge Velbert (PIV). If they fulfil the quality and testing requirements, they receive the RAL Quality Mark for Locks and Fittings (RAL-GZ 607) for their products from the Quality Association for Locks and Fittings.

The RAL quality mark for locks and fittings defines certain quality standards.The quality and test specifications of the RAL quality mark ensure the functionality, reliability and durability of the products.‘The quality mark guarantees that the customer receives high-quality locks and fittings,’ explains Stephan Schmidt.

The Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge awards quality marks for mortise locks, tubular frame locks and multi-point locks (RAL-GZ 607/2), turn and tilt-and-turn fittings (RAL-GZ 607/3), security fittings (RAL-GZ 607/6), door and security door hinges (RAL-GZ 607/8), window handles and window handles with a protective effect (RAL-GZ 607/9) and fanlight fittings (RAL-GZ 607/12). Further information can be found on the homepage of the Quality Association for Locks and Fittings at https://www.guetegemeinschaft-schloss-beschlag.de/Pruefen-Zertifizieren/RAL-Guetezeichen/.


The Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge have successfully completed RAL monitoring by the German Institute for Quality Assurance and Labelling.

Photo source: Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge

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