News of 4 May 2021


Testing Institute Locks and Hardware Velbert: Tests at the customer's premises

Testing Institute Locks and Hardware Velbert [Prüfinstitut Schlösser und Beschläge Velbert (PIV)], as a partner for testing, certification and monitoring, offers its customers testing not only at the institute itself but also on-site inspections at the customer's premises.

As an accredited testing laboratory in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, PIV tests in addition to mechanical product testing of locks and hardware as well as windows, doors and gates also mechatronics. The Testing Institute is authorised under subsection 2 of Article 46 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 to carry out tests outside its own accredited testing facility and thus on-site inspections at the customer's premises. This means very great flexibility for customers. The corresponding construction products are listed in Annex D-Pl 11024-01-00. "As an accredited and internationally recognised testing institute, we stand for manufacturer-independent and competent testing services. We are happy to test the construction products at our institute or directly at the manufacturer's premises, depending on the customer's wishes," explains Andrea Horsthemke, head of the Testing Institute Locks and Hardware Velbert [Prüfinstitut Schlösser und Beschläge Velbert (PIV)].

In order to use this service, appropriate test stands must be available at the manufacturer's premises. The test stands are validated by the PIV before the upcoming test. In addition, a cooperation agreement is concluded between the testing institute and the customer, which regulates the rights and obligations. Subsequently, the tests are carried out by the PIV experts in accordance with the normative specifications according to the product standard as well as the specifications of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. The PIV team brings along the necessary DAkkS-calibrated testing and measuring equipment. On the PIV homepage you can find more information about the accredited testing area and the approvals. If you are interested, the experts of the PIV are always at your disposal. "Take advantage of our know-how and our many years of experience as a service provider. We look forward to hearing from you," says the institute director.

An overview of the accredited testing area and the recognitions can be found here.

The DAkkS accreditation certificate can be found here.

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