Quality guidelines

The Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware (Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge e. V.) publishes guidelines that provide assistance in the use of locks and hardware for windows, French doors, as well as doors. These guidelines are drawn up together with the Association of German Lock and Fittings Manufacturers (Fachverband Schloss- und Beschlagindustrie), as well as the Testing Institute Locks and Hardware Velbert, and, if necessary, coordinated with the technical committee of the Association of Windows + Facades (Verband Fenster + Fassade) and other testing institutes. In this way, the experience and test results of several decades are incorporated into the development process.



The Testing Institute Locks and Hardware Velbert, which belongs to the Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware (Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge e. V.), tests according to all guidelines. The test orders are available on request from PIV at info@piv-velbert.de.



Dreh-Öffnungsbegrenzer – Ergänzende Prüfungen zur EN 13126-8
Turn-opening limiters - Supplementary tests to EN 13126-8




Flügelbremsen, die über den Zentralverschluss angesteuert werden - Definitionen und Prüfungen (FBDF)
Casement stoppers for variable rotational position of window leafs




Fang- und Putzscheren für Kippflügel und Kipp-Oberlichter (FPKF)
Restrictor and cleaning stays for Tilt-Only sashes and Tilt-Only fanlights




Prüfrichtlinie für Profilzylinder mit Freilauffunktion für Getriebeschlösser in Fluchttürverschlüssen (FZG)
Test guideline for profile cylinders with freewheel function for gear locks in escape door locks




Befestigung tragender Beschlagteile von Dreh- und Drehkipp-Beschlägen (TBDK)
Attachment of supporting fitting components for turn-only and tilt&turn fittings




Beschläge für Fenster und Fenstertüren - Vorgaben und Hinweise für Endanwender (VHBE)
Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Guidelines/advice for end-users




Beschläge für Fenster und Fenstertüren - Vorgaben/Hinweise zum Produkt und zur Haftung (VHBH)
Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Guidelines/advice on the product and on liability




The use of these guidelines is free of charge, but changes of any kind to the content are not permitted!





The Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware (Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge e. V.) establishes guidelines and publishes technical information. The guidelines and technical notes are carefully prepared in the committees of the Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware and agreed with the associations or institutions involved before publication and published in the professional world for comment. Existing comments will be discussed and taken into account if necessary.

Nevertheless, the following legal restriction applies:
The Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware (Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge e. V.) is not liable for any damage arising from the use of the recommendations contained in this guideline. It is possible that individual types of technical implementation of the recommendations are protected by industrial property rights (patents, utility models). The Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware does not consider it its task to examine every possible type of technical implementation of the recommendations with regard to the existence of any industrial property rights and their validity. Likewise, the Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware does not see any reason to limit its recommendations to such designs which are in any case free of third-party rights. For this reason, the Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware does not guarantee that every type of technical implementation of the recommendations is free from third-party rights. The users of the recommendations are rather obliged to check the legal situation in each individual case and to ensure that the chosen type of technical implementation does not infringe the rights of third parties, in particular industrial property rights such as patents or utility models.

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