The Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware

RAL_GZ_Schlösser+Beschläge_4C_PNG_transparentThe Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware (Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge e. V.) is an association of quality-conscious manufacturers and service providers in the field of locks and fittings. The quality association is an organisation for the implementation and monitoring of quality assurance. It is authorised to award the RAL quality mark to manufacturers of products and providers of services in the lock and fittings sector. The quality mark is a guarantee of high-quality products for the consumer and thus provides better guidance in product selection. Quality mark users must always maintain objectively verifiable quality criteria. They therefore voluntarily comply with the quality regulations and quality monitoring.

The requirements of the quality directives are based on the relevant national and international product standards, but frequently exceed them. Regular inspections by neutral, recognised testing bodies are an important element in the quality assurance and use of the quality mark.

The Quality Assurance Association Locks and Hardware establishes guidelines and publishes technical information. The guidelines are intended to assist in the use of locks and hardware for windows and French doors, as well as doors. They are drawn up together with the Association of German Lock and Fittings Manufacturers (Fachverband Schloss- und Beschlagindustrie), as well as the Testing Institute Locks and Hardware Velbert, and, if necessary, coordinated with the technical committee of the Association of Windows + Facades (Verband Fenster + Fassade) and other testing institutes. In this way, the experience and test results of several decades are incorporated into the development process.

Further information can be found on the homepage of the Quality Assurance Association under the following link:



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